Featured Courses

  • This course seeks to investigate current and past approaches to the "Africa development problem" and challenge preconceived notions of development and  globalization in the context of Benin; students will examine impacts on local individual actors and the variety of ways in which these realities...
  • ABE 232/AFST 233 introduces students to Contextual Engineering, which evaluates social and cultural conditions to determine the appropriateness of an engineered technology. Learn how the influences of culture, economy, education, politics, and mechanical proficiency can be incorporated into design...
  • This course will focus on the interrelationship between information, the privacy and security concerns that come with digitization, and global society at large. It will introduce students to the variety of dependencies that exist in our technical world with the unique threats to each. This course...
  • Within the past decade and a half or so, there has been a steady expansion of scholarship calling attention to the rethinking of center-periphery relations between the third world and the first world. This body of scholarship--most often identified with literature studies, but which has expanded...
  • This course will integrate contemporary global perspectives on the study of migration and formal education at the P-16 levels. It is ideal for students interested in developing nuanced, inter-disciplinary understandings of the complex social, and political implications of migration and education....
  • SOC 366 Postsocialism: Economy, Culture, and Power in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union Professor Zsuzsa Gille MWF 1-1:50 259 English Building Description: What was state socialism and does it still affect what is happening in the former Soviet bloc? What...
  • Enroll in this two-semester course (Fall 2022 and Spring 2023) to help design a water distribution system for a rural community in Honduras by understanding and addressing the political, cultural, economic, educational, and mechanical influences on technical design. By working closely with...
  • Students will examine three propositions: (1) the existence of a global society; (2) the flaws of its principal, global institutions – the state, markets, and democracy; and (3) absent their reform, whether the global society is at risk. Course Information: Prerequisite: Instructor Approval...
  • This course examines the historical and contemporary transformations associated with globalization from the perspective of information as a core element of sociotechnical and political economic processes. Drawing on themes of empire, industrialization, big science and data, and ubiquitous...