
ISRL Fellows

Every summer, the International Studies Research Lab (ISRL) hosts scholars from two-year colleges around the nation.

ISRL Fellow Profiles



The CGS scholars-in-residence program hosts researchers for up to one year. Interested in becoming a CGS scholar-in-residence? Consider applying!

Melissa Whatley

Dr. Melissa Whatley is assistant professor of international and global education at SIT Graduate Institute. Her research applies quantitative and mixed-methods approaches to improve our understanding of policies and practices that impact access and equity in U.S. international education, particularly in the community college context.

Dr. Whatley will be observing the International Studies Research Lab as part of her broader research into and collaboration with community college international educators. 

Yasuyo Inoue

Yasuyo Inoue is a professor of library science at Dokkyo University, Saitama, Japan.  Her current research focuses on how the relationship between the US (especially American Library Association) and Japan impacted the education and training of librarians in post-war Japan, especially the professionalization of children’s and Young Adult librarians.  There were several well-known donation programs during the period of occupation, such as the CARE project, the Silver-Bell children’s library (which later became the Hiroshima prefecture library), and children’s services at the American Library (CIE library), but the process of education and training of library staff to become professional children’s librarians has been little studied. One example is Keio Library School, which hosted ALA professionals to teach children’s services and YA services for several years. Carnegie foundation sent a list of children’s books as a model collection attached to this teaching program, but no content of the list is known. As a CGS/UIUC visiting scholar, Prof. Inoue will be conducting research at the ALA archive at UIUC, the Carnegie foundation archive at NYC, and the National Archive at Maryland.


Li She

Dr. She is an Associate Professor of Arabic at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, China. Dr. She is interested in the economic development of Saudi Arabia and the influence of China on that development.

China’s economic and trade cooperation with Arab countries has evolved over the past several decades and has influenced its economic development and globalization processes. More than 30 years ago, China conducted a low volume of trade with a limited number of Arab countries, and focused mainly on trading traditional commodities. Today, China trades with all Arab countries, and has become one of their most important trading partners.

Dr. She conducted a lecture discussed China’s shifting role from being the recipient of development expertise to being the provider of advanced equipment, technology and management experience in various Arab nations such as Kuwait, Iraq and Egypt.