Contact Information
707 S Mathews
M/C 176
Urbana, IL 61801
Research Areas
Research Interests
Spain, 19-20th centuries, gender, narrative, translation, Philippines
Research Description
Most of my research focuses on gender, sexuality, and discourse in Spain since the mid- 19th century, with a focus on narrative and on the turn of the century (19th to 20th), as well as on translation studies.
Currently, I am researching and analyzing the roles played by gender and race in the cultural discourses on the Spanish Empire at the fin de siglo, with a special emphasis on the Philippines. My book in progress on this subject is tentatively titled Family Troubles: Spain and the Philippines in the Late Modern Empire.
PhD, University of Southern California; MA and BA, University of Iowa
UIUC Center for Advanced Study Associate Research Grant, "Family Troubles: Spain and the Philippines in the Late Modern Empire," for fall 2012
Courses Taught
RECENT SEMINARS AND COURSE TOPICS: "Empathy and Narrative," "Feelling/Real: 18th-19th Century in Spain"; Slow Reading "Fortunata y Jacinta"; Spain's Modern Empire; Spain and the Philippines;
FOR ALL SLCL GRADUATE STUDENTS: Professional/Academic Writing
MIXED GRADUATE/UNDERGRADUATE: Spanish-English Translation Studies; 18-19th C. Spanish Studies; Spanish Studies 1898-1960
UNDERGRADUATE: Spanish Literature II, Readings in Hispanic Texts
FOR CAMPUS HONORS STUDENTS: Translating "Hispanic" Cultures
Additional Campus Affiliations
Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
Associate Professor, Program in Translation and Interpreting Studies
Associate Professor, Gender and Women's Studies
Associate Professor, European Union Center
Associate Professor, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
External Links
Honors & Awards
Graduate College Outstanding Mentor Award, 2000
Center for Advanced Study Associate, fall 2012
Recent Publications
Tolliver, J. (2021). OUTSIDERS ON THE INSIDE Mestizaje and the Economics of Colonial Desire in Sinibaldo de Mas and Francisco de Paula Entrala. Kritika Kultura, 2021(37), 321-340. https://doi.org/10.13185/KK2021.003715
Tolliver, J. L., & McDaniel, S. (2020). Mario/Elisa and Marcela: Scandal and Surprise in the 1901 Spanish Press. Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 45(1), Article 3. https://asphs.net/article/mario-elisa-and-marcela-scandal-and-surprise-in-the-1901-spanish-press/
Tolliver, J. L. (2019). Colonialism, Collages, and Thick Description: Pardo Bazán and the Rhetoric of Detail. In M. L. Coffey, & M. Versteeg (Eds.), Imagined Truths: Realism in Modern Spanish Literature and Culture (pp. 215-235). (Toronto Iberic). University of Toronto press. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.3138/j.ctvh9vwrf.12
Tolliver, J. L. (2019). Dalagas and Ilustrados: Gender, Language, and Indigeneity in the Philippine Colonies. In N. M. Murray, & A. Tsuchiya (Eds.), Unsettling Colonialism: Gender and Race in the Nineteenth-Century Global Hispanic World (pp. 231-254). (SUNY series in Latin American and Iberian Thought and Culture). SUNY Press.
Tolliver, J. L. (2017). Pardo Bazán and Spain’s Late Modern Empire. In M. Versteeg, & S. Walter (Eds.), Approaches to Teaching the Writings of Emilia Pardo Bazán (pp. 93-98). (Approaches to Teaching World Literature ). Modern Languages Association.