Globalizing Knowledge: Debate on the Meaning of Global/Globalizing Knowledge

The first event of the CGS Globalizing Knowledge series, a Debate on the Meaning of Global/Globalizing Knowledge, featured Nicholas C. Burbules, Andrew Orta, Steve Witt, and Assata Zerai. 

Video Recording || Event Flyer || Blog Post



Nicholas C. Burbules

Nicholas C. Burbules is a Professor in the Department of Educational Policy, Organization, and Leadership. His primary research areas are technology and education, the philosophy of education, and teaching through dialogue. He is currently the Education Director for the National Center for Professional and Research Ethics.





Andrew Orta

Andrew Orta is a Professor in the Department of Anthropology and a faculty affiliate of the Center for Global Studies and Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. A few of his research areas are religions in Latin America and the Caribbean, international business and the cultures of capitalism.




Steve Witt

Steve Witt is an Associate Professor of Library Administration, Head of the International and Area Studies Library and the Director of the Center for Global Studies. His research focuses on the trajectory and impacts of international developments in library and information science.



Assata Zerai

Assata Zerai is the Associate Chancellor for Diversity and Professor of Sociology. Her research interests have included maternal and child health, health activism, health inequality, safe water and sanitation, diversity and LGBTQI inclusiveness in U.S. Protestant congregations, and the sociology of religion.

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