CGS Moves to Coble Hall


CGS has a new office location for the upcoming year! We have joined the Illinois Global Institute (IGI), along with several centers, at our new home in Coble Hall. The expectation is that over the next year, all IGI units will move to Coble Hall.

During this transitional year, CGS will be located on the 2nd floor of Coble Hall. There will be some internal relocation within Coble next summer as more floors of the building become available to the IGI. For now, Associate Director Donna Tonini is in room 201-A, Outreach and FLAS Coordinator Tim Pollack is in room 203, the GS Librarian office is in room 202, and Office Manager Patti Arthur is in room 201.

Coble Hall is located at the southwest corner of John and Wright Streets in Champaign (map), directly across from Altgeld Hall. Limited metered parking is available on John Street. For users with limited mobility, an automatic door is located on the south side of the Coble Hall leading into the basement. For information about elevator and restroom locations, please refer the the campus's building access maps.