CGS Title VI Announcement for 2022-26


CGS is pleased to announce that we were granted both NRC and FLAS awards for the 2022-26 cycle. Out of the 12 International Centers that were successful in the competition for the US Department of Education's Title VI funds, CGS received the highest level of funding for our category. 

CGS is gratified that its NRC and FLAS budgets will increase substantially over the previous awards.

Overall, there were a total of 6 successful NRC and FLAS awards within the IGI with CAS, CLACS, CSAMES, EUC and REEEC also receiving funding. This is one of Illinois’ most successful Title VI cycles, a testament to the creation of the IGI and the increased campus support the centers have received over the past several years. Nationally, there were 155 NRC applications and only 98 funded applications from 43 institutions. Having 6 of 8 applications funded places Illinois well ahead nationally in terms of overall success.

We look forward to sharing further information about our programming for the coming year and anticipate a celebratory reception in the early fall semester.


Steve Witt PhD
Associate Professor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Center for Global Studies, Director
International and Area Studies Library,
Head IFLA Journal, Editor