The fall semester is underway and the Center of Global Studies is excited to announce the speakers and their lectures for the current semester. Below are the previous and upcoming speakers for the fall semester.
Paul Staniland (UChicago), “Major Power Competition and Internal Politics in Modern Asia.”
- August 7th
Prof. Marina Zaloznaya (UIowa), "Corruption as Freedom: The Different Ways that Petty Economic Crime Undermines Autocracy"
September 7th
Melissa Whatley, “Balancing Finances, Politics, and Public Health: International Student Enrollment and Reopening Plans at US Higher Education Institutions Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
- International and Global Education at SIT Graduate Institute, and current CGS scholar-in-residence
- September 15th. Link to Zoom recording.
Cameron McCarthy, (UIUC) "Thinking about Cultural Studies in a Time of Recession: Reconsidering the Work of Aesthetics in Modern Life." (Scholarship-in-Progress Series)
- Communications Scholar and University Scholar in the Department of Educational Policy, Leadership, and Organization (EPOL) and in the Institute of Communications Research, UIUC
- September 29th, 12-1PM (CST) on Zoom. Link to register.
Maya Tudor (Oxford), “Varieties of Nationalism and Democratic Consequences.”
- Associate Professor of Government and Public Policy and Director of Graduate Studies
- October 4th, 12-1PM on Zoom. Link to register
Owen Traylor, “Has Brexit Made an Independent Scotland More Likely?”
- Veteran of British Foreign Service, UKent
- Postponed
Laia Balcells (Georgetown), “Secessionism and Affective Polarization; Cases of Scotland, Catalonia, and Northern Ireland.”
October 25th, 12- 1PM on Zoom. Link to register
Paul Diehl (UIUC), “When Peacekeeping Missions Collide: Balancing Multiple Roles in Peace Operations.” (Scholarship-in-Progress Series)
October 27th, 12-1PM on Zoom. Link to register
Anna Grzymala-Busse (Stanford), “Nationalism and Religion.”
- November 1st, 12-1PM on Zoom. Link to register.
Ann-Perry Witmer (UIUC), "Learning the Value of Context through Soy Milk and Tofu Production in Zambia." (Scholarship-in-Progress Series)
November 10th, 12-1Pm on Zoom. Link to register.
Mithilesh Mishra (UIUC) and Asha Sarangi (Jawaharlal Nehru University), "Statist Nationalism: Discourses, Institutions and Policies in India"
Senior Lecturer; Director and Language Coordinator of Hindi and Urdu, Advisor for the Minor in Hindi Studies
Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University; PhD, University of Chicago.
November 16th, 12-1Pm on Zoom. Link to register.
David Schrag (UIUC), "On Populist Reason Revisited.”
Postponed for the 2023 Spring semester.