03/21/2023 - Edward A. Kolodziej is Emeritus Research Professor of Political Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and author of...
03/21/2023 - Please join CGS on March 22nd at noon for Mithilesh Mishra (UIUC) and Asha Sarangi (Jawaharlal Nehru...
03/19/2023 - Please join CGS on March 23 at noon, in person at Coble Hall, 306 and on Zoom for ...
03/08/2023 - Due to an emergency, the series of talks with Mithilesh Mishra (UIUC) and...
02/19/2023 - AACTE (American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education) today announced that the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign...
01/30/2023 - We are saddened by the unexpected passing of our colleague and friend Dr. Stafford L. Hood on Sunday, January 15, 2023, at the age of 70. The Hood family has indicated that...
01/27/2023 - Please join CGS for a talk by Ned O'Gorman (UIUC) on February 7th, at 12 PM (CST), in Coble Hall,...
01/27/2023 - Please join CGS for a talk by Allison Witt (College of Education, UIUC) on February 2nd at 12PM (CST)...
01/20/2023 - The 2023 spring semester has concluded and the Center of Global Studies is pleased to provide archived webinars and information from the speakers and their lectures on this page. February...
12/07/2022 - Pat Keenan, CGS Advisory Board member, UIUC law professor, and Heidi Hurd Faculty Scholar has recently offered his assessment of the Biden administration's national security policy in an interview...
11/11/2022 - On November 16th, join Mithilesh Mishra (UIUC) and ...
11/02/2022 - On November 10th, join Ann-Perry Witmer (University of Illinois) on ...
10/28/2022 - On November 1st at noon, join Anna Grzymala-Busse (Professor of International Studies and Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute) on ...
10/25/2022 - On October 25th at noon, please join Dr. Laia Balcells Ventura (...
10/20/2022 - On October 27th at noon, join Paul Diehl (Independent Scholar of International...