P.A.N. African Culture And Heritage Experience – Angelina Arrington & Angelique Evans

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The P.A.N. Culture and Heritage Experience is a University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign study abroad foundations course that focuses on preparing and educating students about life abroad, educational development in Sub-Saharan Africa, and research in Ghana, Africa. The Ghanaian “Year of Return” initiative encourages Diasporians to return to Africa, making this is an interesting time to study abroad in Ghana. According to an article in World Finance, Ghana is the fifth fastest growing economy in the Sub-Saharan Africa (Newell, 2019). This program will connect scholars with mentors familiar with the country, as well as in-country experts, education professionals, activists, and scholars. Program participants will enroll in a six-week online course consisting of a series of synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities over the spring semester. Session topics will include working through barriers such as finances and lack of family support, creating worthwhile research projects, navigating the culture, learning about the history and development of Ghana, and working and living abroad. Students will be given relevant readings, other resources, and opportunities for reflective journaling. During this course, the project facilitators and other guest speakers will participate via Zoom to talk about their research in Ghana. The Office of International Programs and the Center for African Studies are program collaborators. Angelique Evans, GSE doctoral student and founder of the Black Butterfly Initiative, a program that matches African American study abroad students with mentors abroad, and Angelina Arrington, GSE doctoral student are co-founders and co-facilitators of the program. The project culminates with a study abroad class (EDU 499)  in which students will participate in culture exchange, immersion activities, and conduct fieldwork research as part of the trip.

Global Intersections Series: "Impact of COVID-19 on Travel and Study Abroad in West Africa"  

The world is experiencing new COVID-19 waves and lockdowns. West Africa, however, is open to most travelers and remains a world leader in fighting the spread of the coronavirus. Join us for a conversation on how to prepare to travel abroad and study in West Africa in 2021. Fred Benneh, school founder and community developer, will join us from Ghana to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on his community and their international volunteers.

February 25, 2021, 12pm

 Zoom Recording: