Please join CGS in welcoming Dr. Benjamin Bross for his lecture on April 12th, at 12PM at the International and Area Studies...
Faculty & Researchers
The Faculty & Researchers audience hub selects CGS events and resources that are especially relevant to scholars working in various aspects of Global Studies. This grouping is not meant to be exclusionary -- all CGS events are always open to graduate students, undergraduates, K-12 teachers, and the general public. Encouraging freer and more constructive communication among these group is central to the CGS mission.
Related News
- Edward A. Kolodziej is Emeritus Research Professor of Political Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and author of...
- AACTE (American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education) today announced that the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign...
Event Archive
- Explore the archive of all presentations hosted and supported by the Center for Global Studies during Spring 2023 here....
- The Center for Global Studies and the Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center at the University of Illinois present: Away From the Empire: The Linguistic and Cultural Shift In Ukraine in...
- Please join Tang Heng (Assistant Professor at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) ...
- Join the CGS team in welcoming Martin Nekola for his lecture, "The Czech Republic, The ...
- Join the CGS in welcoming Helaine Silverman for her lecture on April 4th at 12PM at the ...
- Please join CGS for Dr. Monika Stodolska's (UIUC) talk "Ukrainian Refugees in Poland and the Response of...
- Please join Allison Lide on Thursday, March 30th from 12-1:00PM (CST) at 306 Coble Hall or on Zoom...
- Please join CGS in welcoming Mithilesh Mishra (UIUC) and ...
- Please join CGS on March 23 at noon, in person at Coble Hall, 306 and on Zoom for ...
- Please join CGS on March 22nd at noon for Mithilesh Mishra (UIUC) and Asha Sarangi (Jawaharlal Nehru...
- Please join CGS for a talk by Ned O'Gorman (UIUC) on February 7th, at 12 PM (CST), in Coble Hall,...
- Please join CGS for a talk by Allison Witt (College of Education, UIUC) on February 2nd at 12PM (CST)...
- The 2023 spring semester has concluded and the Center of Global Studies is pleased to provide archived webinars and information from the speakers and their lectures on this page. February...
- On November 10th, join Ann-Perry Witmer (University of Illinois) on ...
- Molly Roberts (UC San Diego), "Strengthening Propaganda and the Limits of...
- The lectures below are the Fall 2022 co-sponsored by CGS and the Department of Political Science at UIUC. September Yuri Zhukov (...
- Global Culture Work: Between Transnational Mobility and Local Commitments This panel brings together dance and theater...
- On January 25 at 12 p.m.m (CST) on Zoom, Dr. Hakim Williams (Gettysburg College) gave a talk about education for revolutionary non-violence. An unsustainably plenteous modernity...
- In her latest book, For a Just and Better World: Engendering Anarchism in the Mexican Borderlands, 1900-1938, Sonia Hernández tells the story of how Caritina Piña Montalvo...
- On November 9 at 12pm on Zoom, Dr. Janice Jayes will give a talk that examines the twentieth-century regulatory framework tying humans to states, its historical formation, and how it...
- On November 16 at 12pm on Zoom, Sherry L. Martin (Acting Asia Division Chief in the U.S. Department of State's Office of Opinion Research) will give a talk that provides a historical...
- On October 20 at 12pm, Dr. Thea Quiray Tagle (University of Massachusetts Boston), Dr. Anita Haldemann (Kunstmuseum Basel), Dr. Sooa Im McCormick (...
- On October 6 at 12pm, Prof. Cameron McCarthy (Communication Scholar and University Scholar in the Department of Educational Policy, Leadership, and Organization (EPOL) and in the...
- Date: Apr 30, 2021 9:00 - 11:00 am Digital platforms are so pervasive in our everyday life to the point that it becomes no longer meaningful to separate our lives from them. How do...
- iSEE Congress - Spring 2021 In the seventh iSEE Congress, we are partnering with the Joint Area...
- Date: February 9, 2021 Time: 12pm-1pm CST Speaker: Prof. Saskia Sassen (Columbia University) Description: Climate migrations are...
- Date: February 2, 2021 Time : 12pm-1pm CST Speakers: Christina Bollo...
- Speaker: Eric T. Freyfogle Professor Freyfogle is the author or editor of a dozen books dealing with issues...
- Speaker: Ian Brooks This presentation will describe the Center for Health Informatics, what it means to be the WHO/PAHO Collaborating...
- Speaker: Courtney Cuthbertson Using the sociological framing of the stress process model, this presentation will share findings from a...
- CGS proudly hosted a talk on Reconceptualizing Citizenship and Civic Engagement from the Perspectives of Newcomer Immigrant and Refugee Youth by Liv Thorstensson Dávila on February 26, 2020....
- CGS proudly hosted a talk on Global Attitudes of Rural Technical Inferiority as a Cause for Migration to Cities in the Non-Industrialized World presented by Ann-Perry Witmer on December 4th, 2019...
- On November 7-8, 2019, CGS proudly hosted Professor María Belén Albornoz from Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Sede Ecuador (FLACSO). On November 7th, she presented “Technology and...
- On October 23rd, 2019, CGS proudly sponsored a discussion of the Climate Action Game Experiment (CAGE) presented by Cliff Singer and members of the CAGE team. Climate Action Game...
- CGS proudly hosted MillerComm 2020: Framing the Global Immigrant Challenge: Evidence from Elected Representatives’ Tweets presented by David D. Laitin on October 17th, 2019. Event...
- On April 11th, 2019, CGS proudly hosted Naureen Butt who presented “One Woman’s Journey From Pakistan to the United States: A Struggle for Women’s Rights”. This event was co-sponsored by The ...
- KNIGHT AUDITORIUM, SPURLOCK MUSEUM 600 S GREGORY ST, URBANA, IL 61801 03/29/2019 - 9:00 AM View the full symposium schedule and details about the Racial Capitalism ColLab ...
- CGS proudly hosted MillerComm 2019: Constructing Solidarities in the Global Justice Movement: A Feminist Perspective presented by Manisha Desai on March 13th, 2019. Event Description...
Related Content
- The Center for Global Studies and the Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center at the University of Illinois present: Away From the Empire: The Linguistic and Cultural Shift In Ukraine in...
- Make sure to catch all three lectures led by Mithilesh Mishra (UIUC) and Asha Sarangi (JNU) where they will explore language in nationalism and politics. Below is the line up for...
- The Center for Global Studies (CGS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is able to host a small number of Scholars-in-Residence each year. Scholars-in-Residence may work with faculty...
- CGS-ANNOUNCE-L This listserv primarily announces talks, conferences, publications, calls for papers, and...
- What is the International Studies Research Lab? With the world becoming increasingly connected, the need for greater cultural understanding in the context of globalization is growing within...