Illinois Global Health Initiative - Dr. Ratzan Seminar

The Global Health Initiative at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a campus-wide coalition of students and faculty which aims to:

  • Coalesce a research community around global health issues on the Urbana-Champaign campus
  • Create capacity for future interdisciplinary research on global health issues
  • Promote first-hand exposure to global health issues for graduate students and faculty
  • Promote progress toward a Global Health Center on the Urbana-Champaign campus


The Initiative pursues these goals through programs that foster interdisciplinary discussion and awareness of global health issues. This includes seminars on campus delivered by global health experts in academia, industry and government. Additionally, we organized an international global health experience with 19 graduate students, MD/PhD students and faculty in January 2012 travelling to Cape Coast, Ghana to observe in health care facilities, discover public health challenges, learn about Ghanaian culture and network with Ghana's research universities. The Initiative strives toward establishing future programs which will provide more international exposure to students and faculty and new curricula in global health issues.

The home of the Global Health Initiative is here. This website is a resource for news and information about global health research and programs on campus as well as the central hub for a network of faculty and students interested in global health at Illinois.