The Global Health thematic cluster selects CGS affiliates, events, and resources that are dedicated to understanding issues of medicine and public health in the global context.
Written in collaboration with Steve Witt.
One doesn’t need to look far to see how much the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the world, halting the mobility of people...
Robert Wegner is a historian of science at Brazil’s national public health institute, Fiocruz. He spent the 2019 academic year at Illinois conducting research on early 20th century genetics, looking...
Date: Feb. 25, 2021
Time: 12 PM - 1 pm CST
The world is experiencing new COVID-19 waves and lockdowns. West Africa, however, is open to most travelers and remains a world leader in fighting the...
Date: Dec 2, 2020
Time : 12:00 PM (cst)
Clean running water on the Navajo Nation has been an ongoing challenge for decades, and even today one in three families...
November 7, 2014 (Seibel Center – Room 1404)
Experts from several different academic disciplines participated in a panel discussion to provide facts and context about the 2014 Ebola Outbreak in West...
Experts from several different academic disciplines participated in a panel discussion to provide facts and context about the 2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa. Several University of Illinois...
The Global Health Initiative at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a campus-wide coalition of students and faculty which aims to:
Coalesce a research community around global health...