
As part of the ISRL application, you will turn in a research or program plan. The lab gives you the opportunity to build on this plan and produce a completed product or substantial draft. A $500 honorarium is available, contingent upon receipt of these materials by CSG; you can use this honorarium to support the implementation of your project. Your submission will be published in our institutional repository, IDEALS.


Review Process

The research honorarium will be transferred once your required materials are received and approved by the Global Studies Librarian. We may contact you about recommended modifications to your submission. When your project is uploaded to IDEALS, CGS will send you the URL via email.

Honorariums are awarded after submissions are received and approved. In some cases, they may take up to two months to process, so we appreciate your patience.


Lodging Stipend

Stipends for lodging may be available for participants who want to attend a week in-person. More information will be provided to participants as arrangements are made.