CGS Spring 2021 Schedule


Please see the list of upcoming CGS talks and panel discussions for the spring semester of 2021. To download, please click here

2/2     Will Sander (UIUC), Christina Bollo (UIUC), Liselle Milazzo (UIUC), Caitlin Clarke (UIUC), "Remote Teaching in Times of COVID-19

2/9     Saskia Sassen (Columbia), “When Corona Virus Meets the City"

2/25   Angelina Arrington (UIUC), Angelique Evans (UIUC), Fred Benneh, "Impact of COVID-19 and Study Abroad in West Africa"

3/30   María Beatriz Fernández (CIAE), Cameron McCarthy (UIUC), Rochelle Gutierrez (UIUC), "Local Responses to Educational Reforms in Chicago and Chile"

3/31    Allison Witt (UIUC), “Global Education for a Post-Pandemic World"

4/6      Marcus King (GWU), "The Weaponization of Water in the Middle East and Africa"

4/20    Peter Gleick (Pacific Institute), "The Past, Present, and Future of Water: Challenges and Opportunities"

4/21    Ann Witmer (UIUC), Keilin Jahnke (UIUC), Nick Perozzi (UIUC), "Contextual Engineering Week Conference"

4/23    Joan Rose (Michigan State), "From Poliovirus to SARS-CoV-2 Environmental Virology"

4/30   Jane Pyo (UIUC), Jingyi Gu (UIUC), Anita Chan (UIUC), Julie Chen (U of Toronto), Dal Yong Jin (Simon Fraser U), Jean-Christophe Platin (LSE), "Global Platforms and Infrastructures Conference"

5/1    Illinois Flamenco-Jazz Collective Performance