International Studies Research Lab 2021


The Center for Global Studies (CGS) is excited to announce the 2021 International Studies Research Lab (ISRL), an initiative that promotes the internationalization of community colleges nationwide. CGS invites applications from faculty, librarians, and administrators interested in expanding global and area studies curricula, instruction in less commonly taught languages, library collections, or international education programs at their home institutions. The Center is a National Resource Center supported by Title VI funds from the U.S. Department of Education. The lab will be held in a virtual format from May 17th through July 30th. 

ISRL offers the opportunity and funding to assist with the creation of materials to help internationalize participants’ curricula or colleges. CGS will connect participants with subject librarians from the university’s International and Area Studies Library to provide specialized reference support for research needs. The library has an extensive service that facilitates access to a wide range of materials related to globalization and global and regional studies. The ISRL will culminate with a virtual Collaborative Workshop at which participants will have the opportunity to share their work, discuss research progress, and establish collaborations. When the lab is finished, research stipends of $1,000 are available contingent upon receipt of completed research materials.

Applications are due March 16th. To learn more, please visit or contact the Center for Global Studies at