CGS Request for Proposals (RFP) 2022-26




Deadline: October 1, 2021

(This RFP as pdf)

Application Information:

The Center for Global Studies (CGS) invites current and prospective CGS faculty associates and units to submit proposals for possible inclusion in its application to the U.S. Department of Education under Title VI for renewal of its status as a National Resource Center in Global Studies for the AY 2022-2026 period.  In the past the Department of Education has awarded the Center approximately $2.2 million to cover program expenses and language fellowships and training.

CGS encourages projects from disciplines and fields of study that support research, teaching, and outreach activities that focus upon understanding global issues confronting the world’s populations and that identify ways to cope with and resolve these challenges.

Funding requests should typically not exceed $40,000 over the four year cycle of the Department of Education funding period.  

Potential Global Studies Focused Activities Include:

  • Developing new Global Studies courses and degree programs as well as concentrations and certificates at graduate and undergraduate levels
  • Seeding new faculty lines that support the overall CGS mission
  • Organizing activities that will deepen understanding of the values, thinking, practices, and aspirations of the world’s diverse cultures
  • Supporting the acquisition of advanced language skills in Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL)
  • Language teacher training and assessment activities, especially for LCTLs
  • Developing teaching resources, professional training opportunities, and public programs in global studies for researchers, educators, students, business leaders, media, governmental agencies, civic organizations, and members of the public concerned with understanding and solving global problems
  • Assisting faculty to enlarge their knowledge and skill sets in global studies
  • Encouraging interdisciplinary proposals, linking faculty from across campus in collaborative partnerships to encourage research, course and degree development, and outreach on global issues
  • Faculty travel in support of course development, program development, and new campus linkages
  • Planning for conferences, graduate and professional advanced seminars
  • Outreach activities to Community Colleges (CCs) and K-12 levels of instruction

For further information on CGS’ Mission and Programs please visit:

  • Collaborative projects and outreach with other institutions including, but not limited to other universities, CCs, Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs), corporations, non-profit organizations, and governmental agencies
  • Projects that engage global history and global perspectives of the human experience.

Types of Projects Considered:

All projects must have implications for globalizing the research, teaching, or outreach of the Illinois campus.  In addition, proposals should reflect an interdisciplinary or interprofessional approach, encompassing one or more of the following topical themes or research clusters:

  • Global Policy Issues (e.g. immigration, sustainable development, environmental and ecological degradation, human rights, information, communications, media, global security, etc.)
  • Education in Global Studies at all levels
  • New Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional Degrees and Concentrations or their revision to accent Global Studies
  • Language and Degree Programs in Less Commonly Taught Languages and Cultures

Please note that the above themes are illustrative, and not exhaustive.

Proposal Requirements:

The project narrative should not exceed three pages.  Evaluation criteria appear below.  Each proposal should include:

  • Project goals
  • Rationale for the approach pursued
  • Description of implementation plan, including a timeline and plans for continuation after funding is over
  • Specific outcomes and/or products that will be developed
  • Plans for dissemination

Attach a budget that identifies expenditures over one or more years of the grant period of August 15, 2022 – August 14, 2026, including the amount of funding from other sources. Brief curricula vita of applicants should also be included.  Proposals should also be consistent with the policies of the units and colleges of applicants.

Proposal Evaluation Criteria:

All proposals must broadly address and support the CGS mission. Preference will be given to interdisciplinary projects that involve inter- and intra- unit and college collaboration.  In addition, the following general criteria will be used to evaluate proposals (although each proposal need not address all criteria):

  • Potential impact on: o Students
    • Faculty / Staff o Field of Study
    • Outreach community (K-12 teachers and students; CCs; business; policy makers, media representatives, etc.)

For further information on CGS’ Mission and Programs please visit:

  • Cross-unit and college collaboration
  • Appropriate budget plan
  • The ability of the proposer(s) to complete the project successfully
  • Appropriateness of dissemination plans

Sustainability of project: provision for continuing the activities under the award following the grant period

For further guidance or general questions please contact Steve Witt, Director, Center for Global

Studies (, 217-265-5186) or Donna Tonini, Associate Director (, 217-300-7034).


Proposals must be received by CGS by Friday, October 1, 2021 for full consideration. Awards to be included in the Center Title VI application will be announced as soon thereafter as possible.

Proposals should be submitted online at


A panel of faculty and administrators from the CGS advisory committee will assist the Director in selecting awardees to be included in the Title VI application in Fall 2021 or Spring 2022. Full funding will be contingent on successful renewal of the CGS Title VI NRC grant for the upcoming 2022-2026 cycle. 


All faculty awardees will be designated as Faculty Associates of the Center for Global Studies. They will also be required to provide periodic project status reports.  Awardees may also be invited to make additional presentations at CGS organized events.  A final report will be required at the end of the agreed upon project period.

What cannot be funded under the Title VI Grant:

  • Alcohol and food
  • Direct support for research
  • Student travel
  • Travel Preparation o (Visa, passport, medication, clothing, cell phone usage, etc.)

Note: International faculty travel is allowable only with prior approval from the US Department of Education and compliance with government regulations7034.

For further information on CGS’ Mission and Programs please visit:



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