As a Body Without a Soul: A School in Western India During the COVID-19 Pandemic


On April 21, 2022 at 12pm(CST) on Zoom, Thaddeus Herman (PhD candidate in Education Policy, Organization and Leadership with a dual concentration of Philosophy of Education and Global Studies in Education) will give a talk detailing how one school in Western India navigated the COVID-19 Pandemic. As schools in India transitioned to online education as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a tension began spreading throughout the country between fee paying parents, and fee- charging schools. As parents saw their economic livelihoods interrupted, school fees became an increasingly volatile topic. Schools stated that they required their fees to continue paying their staff, while parents often-time asserted that the schools were raising fees and not being transparent about the actual costs of running the schools after shifting education online. Around the country various manifestations of this tension arose. This talk will focus on how one school dealt with this tension to navigate both the pressures of requiring finances to run the school, as well as the economic hardship faced by the fee paying parents.




Zoom Recording: