12/02/2020 - Date: Dec 2, 2020 Time : 12:00 PM (cst) Clean running water on the Navajo Nation has been an ongoing challenge for decades, and even today one in three families...
11/17/2020 - Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship Info Sessions <Undergraduate Information Session> Date: Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020 4:00pm to 5:00pm CT...
11/11/2020 - Date: November 11, 2020 Time : 12-1PM (cst) Speakers: ...
10/21/2020 - Speaker: Chimène Keitner (Alfred and Hanna Fromm Professor of International Law, UC Hastings Law) Respondent: Patrick Keenan (...
10/14/2020 - Speaker: Eric T. Freyfogle Professor Freyfogle is the author or editor of a dozen books dealing with issues...
10/09/2020 - Speaker: Courtney Cuthbertson Using the sociological framing of the stress process model, this presentation will share findings from a...
09/21/2020 - Speaker: Ian Brooks This presentation will describe the Center for Health Informatics, what it means to be the WHO/PAHO Collaborating...
09/15/2020 - Speaker: Professor Rajmohan Gandhi In his talk for CGS, Prof. Rajmohan Gandhi examined how the pandemic influenced inequalities in the world’s largest democracies, the U.S. and India. What is the...
09/05/2020 - Please see the list of upcoming CGS talks and panel discussions for the fall semester of 2020. To download, please click here. 9/15 Rajmohan...
06/02/2020 - Written in collaboration with Steve Witt. One doesn’t need to look far to see how much the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the world, halting the mobility of people...
04/10/2020 - Sanghoon Kim is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Illinois. His dissertation research focuses on voting behavior for political parties that are linked...
04/10/2020 - The University of Illinois is part of a global community including students, scholars, and artists. All of us are experiencing the pandemic in different ways shaped by culture, the situations of our...
04/10/2020 - Congratulations Ananya Tiwari for winning the Illinois Innovation Prize for $20,000! Ananya is the co-founder of the SwaTaleem Foundation. The SwaTaleem Foundation works with schools in the remotest...
04/03/2020 - Robert Wegner is a historian of science at Brazil’s national public health institute, Fiocruz. He spent the 2019 academic year at Illinois conducting research on early 20th century genetics, looking...
03/27/2020 - Mahmood Khosrowjerdi is a senior academic librarian (førstebibliotekar) at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (Rena, Norway). Mahmood has a PhD in Library and Information Science (...