10/01/2021 - Global Intersections is a Center for Global Studies (CGS) initiative designed to encourage...
09/20/2021 - PDF Version of This Schedule 9/28, Sam Moyn (Yale), Humane: How the United States...
09/17/2021 - CGS has a new office location for the upcoming year! We have joined the Illinois Global Institute (IGI), along with several centers, at our new home in Coble...
05/01/2021 - May 1, 2021 12:00 - 1:00 pm The Center for Global Studies and European Union Center Present A Global Intersections Event: The Illinois Flamenco Jazz Collective: Juerga de...
04/30/2021 - Date: Apr 30, 2021 9:00 - 11:00 am Digital platforms are so pervasive in our everyday life to the point that it becomes no longer meaningful to separate our lives from them. How do...
04/12/2021 - CENTER FOR GLOBAL STUDIES Request for Proposals Application: https://forms.illinois.edu/sec/6649631. ...
04/02/2021 - Congratulations to the students who were announced for the Women & Gender in Global Perspectives Fellowships and Awards! The Center for Global Studies would like to give a special shout out to...
03/31/2021 - Rather than returning to pre-pandemic normal, Higher Education must reexamine strategies for internationalization. This discussion examines previous models of internationalization to consider how...
03/30/2021 - There is a clear interrelationship between current educational reforms and global economic movements. Educational reforms are driven by the increasing demand for meeting the global market's...
03/12/2021 - iSEE Congress - Spring 2021 In the seventh iSEE Congress, we are partnering with the Joint Area...
02/25/2021 - Date: Feb. 25, 2021 Time: 12 PM - 1 pm CST The world is experiencing new COVID-19 waves and lockdowns. West Africa, however, is open to most travelers and remains a world leader in fighting the...
02/08/2021 - Date: February 9, 2021 Time: 12pm-1pm CST Speaker: Prof. Saskia Sassen (Columbia University) Description: Climate migrations are...
02/02/2021 - Date: February 2, 2021 Time : 12pm-1pm CST Speakers: Christina Bollo...
02/02/2021 - The Center for Global Studies (CGS) is excited to announce the 2021 International Studies Research Lab (ISRL), an...
02/01/2021 - Please see the list of upcoming CGS talks and panel discussions for the spring semester of 2021. To download, please click here. 2/2 ...